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Summer/Autumn 2024 Highlight: the first edition of the ‘Oaklands News Highlight’ featuring lots of stories from Summer and Autumn 2024
466: Year 8 ‘Big Questions’ Day, Young Carers: trip to Fort Purbrook, Operation Christmas Child – Thank You, The Oaklands Way and Information Links
465: Culture Week Show, St John’s Week, Medjugorje Pilgrimage, The Oaklands Way and Information Links
464: CST Ambassadors Launch, D of E Update, OFPA News, Sixth Form Update, The Oaklands Way and Information Links
463: Career Fair, Year 7 History-STEM Day, From the Chaplain, Operation Christmas Child, The Oaklands Way and Information Links
462: Expectations, Behaviour & Standards, OFPA News, From the Chaplain, Parent Information, Restorative Justice, Sixth Form Update, The Oaklands Way and Information Links
461: Year 7: First Days at School, Student Supervision, Iceland Escapades, St John’s Korogocho Update, Pastoral Care, Exam Success, Attendance, Education Sunday, Oaklands+ Programme, The Oaklands Way and Information Links
460: End of Year Special! OFPA News, From the Chaplain, Sports Day, Staff Farewells, Sixth Form News, From the Governors, Duke of Edinburgh Award Update, Festival of Speed Trip and the Oaklands Way.
459: Challenge Week Special! Year 7: Conservation & Culture, Year 8: STEM, Murder Mysteries & Thorpe Park Fun, Year 9: Field Trips, Treasure Hunts & Survival Skills, Year 9 Camp, Year 8: French Fantasy, the Oaklands Way and Information Links
458: Catch up on the news from St John’s, Korogocho, read about the ‘Sounds of Summer’ concert, hear about the Year 12 Biology Field Trip, the Oaklands Way and Information Links
457: Sixth Form: Marvellous Mentors, Farewell Year 11, CAFOD Young Leaders, STEM @ Oaklands, the Oaklands Way and Information Links
456: New Student Leaders, From the Governer, Farewell from the Student President, Year 12 Geography Trip, The Oaklands Way and Important Information Links
455: Duke of Edinburgh Award report, Year 13’s Leaver’s Celebrations, School Community Garden,’From the Chaplain’ and Important Information Links
454: From the Headteacher, Faraday Challenge, STEM Showcase, SF UCAS Discovery Fair, The Oaklands Way, Important Information Links
453: From the Headteacher, Les Misérables, Excellence in STEM, Ski Trip, Maths Disney Trip, Spanish Exchange, Performing Arts News, Design Department News, News from the Sixth Form, Careers Events, Voices from the Chapel, Havant Pastoral Area Services, Governor Vacancy, Term Dates for 2024-25, Key Dates for Year 11 and year 13 and Dates for the Summer Term
452: From the Headteacher, Christmas Lunch, From the Chaplain, Culture Week, Trips and Visits Roundup, Excellence in STEM, PE at Oaklands, Christmas Maths, Performing Arts, From the Chair of Governors, Sixth Form News, Oaklands in the Community, Duke of Edinburgh Award, Local Parish Mass Times, Student Leadership, Dates for the Spring Term.
451: From the Headteacher, Celebrating Exam Success, First Days at School, From the Chaplain, Meet our Saints, Pastoral Care, OFPA, Attendance Matters, Excellence in STEM, Behaviour and Standards, Summer Trip to Iceland, Sixth Form News, Catholic Social Teaching, Governor Vacancies, Term Dates and Assessment and Reporting Dates.
450: From the Headteacher, Farewell to Year 11, Catholic Social Teaching, Challenge Week Reports, From the Chair of Governors, News from Performing Arts, Geography and RE Departments, Uniform Updates, Sixth Form News, Duke of Edinburgh Award, Excellence in STEM, Student Leadership, Sports News and Staff Leavers.
449: From the Headteacher, School of Rock, Excellence in STEM, Skip Trip, Duke of Edinburgh, Culture Week, News from Maths, Design, Literacy and Learning Support, News from the Sixth Form, Year 10 Geography Trip, Havant Pastoral Area Services, Uniform Updates, Sporting Achievements, Important Dates for Year 11 and Year 13, Term Dates for 2023-24 and Calendar Dates for the Summer Term
448:From the Headteacher, Presentation of Certificates Evening, From the Chaplain, Attendance Matters, Dry Slope Ski Trip, Student Leadership, Cultural Week, Post Mortem Live, Important Dates for Year 11 and Year 13, Term Dates for 2023-24 and Calendar Dates for the Spring Term
447: From the Headteacher, Performing Arts at Oaklands, Catholic Social Teaching, Romero Award, School Garden Activities, Sixth Form News, Community Work, DofE Update, Excellence in STEM, Sports News, Trip to Andalucia, Year 10 Mission Day, Literacy News, Term Dates for the Spring, Local Parish Mass Times
446: From the Headteacher, Celebrating Exam Success, First Day at School, Oaklands Friends and Parents, Pastoral Care, Patron Saints, From the Chaplain, Expectations, Excellence in STEM, Behaviour and Standards, Summer Trips to Iceland, Attendance, Autumn Term Dates, Reporting to Parents, Open Evening
445: From the Headteacher, Farewell to Year 11, Farewell to Staff, Challenge Week 2022, Sixth Form News, From the Chair of Governors, Performing Arts News, Geography Field Trips, Duke of Edinburgh Award, Art Exhibitions, Goodwood Festival of Speed, Jubilee Party, Excellence in STEM@Oaklands, Year 7 Pilgrimage, Message from the Chaplain, Athletics Success, Summer Reading Challenge and Term Dates for Next Year
444: From the Headteacher, The Addams Family, Excellence in STEM, Duke of Edinburgh Award, Behaviour and Standards, From the Chaplain, Havant Pastoral Area Services, Sixth Form News, Design Showcase, News from MFL, History, Gardening, Music, Literacy and Careers, Student Supervision, Term Dates and Calendar and Sports Roundup
443: From the Headteacher, Christmas Lunch, From the Chaplain, Performing Arts, Excellence in STEM, School Garden Activities, OFPA News, St John’s Update, Year 12 Geography Field Trip, Girls’ Rugby Success, Senior Maths Challenge, Term Dates, Parish Mass Times
441: From the Headteacher, Farewells, Staffing News, Uniform, Year 12 Geography Trip, Art News, Duke of Edinburgh Award, News from St John’s, News from Sixth Form, Goodwood Festival of Speed, Peri Music Lessons, Excellence in STEM @Oaklands, ‘Buzz from Learning Support, Mission Days, Sports News, Literacy News, Noticeboard
440: From the Headteacher, Lateral Flow Testing, Student Return from Lockdown, News from the Sixth Form, Behaviour and Standards, Rewarding Students, The Oaklands Way, From the Chair of Governors, From the Chaplain, Excellence in STEM @Oaklands, Governor Vacancy, Uniform, News from St John’s, Easter Mass Times and Services for the Havant Pastoral Area, Dates for the Summer Term, Term Dates for 2021-22, Noticeboard
439: From the Headteacher, Managing COVID-19, Music at Oaklands, Excellence in STEM, Oaklands Prayer Marathon, Edith Stein Partnership Blessing, From the Chaplain, News from Maths, History and Geography, St John’s Update, Extra Curricular Activities, a Marathon Squared, OFPA, Parent Help Information, Term Dates for Spring 2021 and Parish Mass Times.
438: From the Headteacher, Celebrating 2019-20, Prefects and Buddies, From the Chair of Governors, First Day at School, Meet our Patron Saints, Pastoral Care, STEM@Oaklands, St John’s Update, From the Chaplain, Oaklands Way, Expectations, Assessment Contract and Student Leadership Ladder, Behaviour and Standards, Attendance Matters, OFPA Update, Reporting to Parents and Diary Dates for the Autumn Term
437: From the Headteacher, Governor Awards, Farewells, Protecting the Community, Consolidation Week, Poetry Power, STEM @ Oaklands, Uniform, From the Chaplain, Duke of Edinburgh, Lockdown Literacy, Nearly New Uniform, Alumni, Safeguarding Information
436: Headteacher’s Message, Star Wars Baking, Erasmus+ Trip to Estonia, Message from the Chair of Governors, Behind the Scenes during Lockdown, Remote Learning Survey, STEM @ Oaklands, Oaklands News Nostalgia, Praise and Rewards, Liturgical Life during Lockdown, From the Chaplain, Chemistry Students Aim for Gold, Your Reading Pictures, Useful Lockdown Information, Pope Francis’ Prayer for May
Student message from Bishop Philip and letter from Pope Francis
435: Headteacher’s Message, Goodbye to Year 11 and Year 13, High School Musical, From the Chaplain, Icon Story, Year 9 Army STEM Trip, Design Showcase, Sixth Form Economics Trip, ESafety, Literacy News, Ski Trip Report, Easter Scavenger Hunt, Holy Week and Easter (from the comfort of your own home)
434: Headteacher’s Message, Presentation of Certificates, Author Visit, Rewarding Students, Year 9 Dry Slope Ski Trip, Year 12 Geography Trip, From the Chaplain, Christian Unity Week, Year 7 STEM Trip, Attendance Procedures, Uniform Matters, Erasmus Visit, New from St John’s, Spring Term Calendar
433: Headteacher’s Message, Chaplain News, Duke of Edinburgh Award, STEM Reports, Maintaining Standards and The Oaklands Way, Christmas Music Concert, Maths and Literacy News, Forthcoming Celebrations, OFPA Report, RSE Consultation, Red Wednesday and Year 10 Mission Day, Term Dates for 2020-21, Local Parish Christmas Mass Times
432: Headteacher’s Message, Exam Success, Message from the Chair of Governors, Year 7 First Day at School, Pastoral Care, ‘Save the Planet’ Project, Trip to Iceland, The Oaklands Way and Expectations, St John’s Korogocho, Oaklands go to Lourdes, Behaviour and Standards, Refurbishment News, National Citizen Service, Summer Reading Challenge, STEM Opportunities, Parent Information, Important Term Dates
431: Term Dates, Farewells, Year 11 Prom, Challenge Week Reports, From the Chair of Governors, Duke of Edinburgh, From the Chaplain, Year 7 Pilgrimage, Careers News, Year 10 Geography Field Trip, Gardening at Oaklands, Young Carers, Goodwood Festival of Speed, Uniform Reminders, Art Exhibition, Kitesurfing Armada, Erasmus+ Trip to Portugal, Literacy News, St John’s Update, Year 10 Buddies, Online Payments
430: Goodbye to Year 11 and Year 13, Challenge Week, Young Carers’ Fundraising, From the Chaplain, Trip to Sorrento, Oaklands Young Journalists, Restorative Justice, Refurbishment News, STEM Visitor, Duke of Edinburgh Award, St John’s Update, Social Media, Calendar Dates
429: Half a Sixpence, Skip Trip Report, Year 10 Retreat, British Science Week, Literacy News, Lent in the Chapel, Year 12 Geography Trip, Oscar Romero Award, St John’s Update, New York and Washington Trip, Sports News, Design Showcase, Term Dates, Havant Pastoral Area Easter Services
Previous Editions
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