Year 11 and Year 13: June-July Activities
Part A: Careers Activities
- There are three activities from the Careers and Enterprise Company, which you can access.
The first looks at ‘you and your needs’:
- It looks at Considering your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
- Exploring where you are today, your barriers, where you could be and where to get help.
- Understanding how to take better care of your emotional wellbeing feel more confident in decision making and goal setting.
Click here the for the activity
The second looks at ‘knowing your choices’:
- Exploration of the range of pathways available to them including: vocational and academic pathways, starting a business and finding employment.
- Considering the differences between some of the options.
- Exploring how to make decisions about future options, good questions to ask and where to go for additional support and information.
Click here the for the activity
The third looks at ‘building your life skills’:
- Developing the key skills needed for life and work including key employability skills, such as communication, teamwork, problem solving, self-belief and self-employment.
- Determining where you are on these skills and how to improve them.
Click here the for the activity
- The school uses the ‘Future First’ company to organise our alumni activities. You will have experienced alumni as guest speakers and during various assemblies/ Careers Week assemblies. There are a number of activities and information provided by them – click on the links below:
- Analytical skills
- Communication skills
- Creativity skills
- Entrepreneurial skills
- Mental Health Awareness
- National Apprenticeships
WE WOULD LOVE TO KEEP IN TOUCH WITH YOU AFTER SCHOOL/COLLEGE – click here to learn how to sign up to be a member of the Future First network.
- The school uses Hampshire Futures to provide independent careers advice (you will have had a careers interview with them during your time at school). There are two activities/ bits of information that you can access by clicking on the links below:
- May newsletter with advice and links – click here
- There are a number of careers events during June and July – these are outlined here
Part B: Extra-curricular activities
Mr Bamford produced this document (click here) for the lockdown after Christmas. There is a variety of activities in there, ranging from subject-specific activities to things such as local walks provided by the PE department.
Part C: Sixth Form pre-learning activities
Whether you are coming to us for Sixth Form, or going elsewhere, departments have provided you with some pre-learning that would prepare you for A Level study. Click here to view the taster day page with pre-learning to prepare for A level study.