Applying to Sixth Form

At the end of Year 11, your time of compulsory education comes to an end and we hope that, at that time, you will choose to pursue your Further Education studies here in the Sixth Form at Oaklands.

We also welcome new students to Oaklands from other schools at 16+. We will extend to them the same care and commitment which we show to those who have enjoyed their secondary education with us.

Top tips for choosing your A Level subjects here

All admission policies are on our policy page here

Entry Requirements

Entry requirements for Level 3 subjects are 5 GCSE at Level  9-4. However, students intending to study Science subjects (Physics, Biology and Chemistry), Maths or English should achieve a Level 6 or above at GCSE in these subjects. Additionally other subjects such as Psychology or Economics require Maths at a GCSE Level 6 or above. Please check our prospectus for the entry requirements for individual subjects.

The Application Process (we have an Open Evening in October each year – check the website for events)

Subject choicesOctober
Application formOctober onwards
Confirmation letterDecember onwards
GCSEsMay – June
Open Day for taster lessonsJuly
GCSE results22nd August 24
Induction days4th September 24
Courses start5th September 24
Sixth Form Information Evening (Students & Parents)19th September 24

“I go to sixth form because I know teachers and friends that are here” – Ben Y12

“I went to sixth form because it’s small and everyone knows who you are” – Joe Y12

“I came to sixth form because I knew the people and teachers well” – Tom Y12

“I came to sixth form to challenge myself for a higher education” – Clayton Y12

“I wanted a fresh start” - Y12

“I wanted a new environment to become more independent” – Y12

“I came to sixth form to start over and meet new people” – Ali

“I wanted to get away from some people from my old school and come to a school sixth form where it’s smaller and therefore much more personal. Members of my family also came here and loved it” – Y12

“I attend sixth form as all the teachers know my abilities and can teach to their best ability” – Y12

“I came to sixth form because I knew the teachers and had friends here” – Y12

“I came to sixth form because I prefer a smaller environment and instead of focusing on making new friends, I can work hard” - Y12

“I came to sixth form because I had to change colleges after Y12” - Y13

“I came to sixth form because I already knew the people and teachers” - Y12

“I left Germany for sixth form” – EU exchange student

“I came to sixth form because it had the friendliest environment compared to other colleges” – Y12

“Sixth form is the place where I’ve been able to grow and flourish in an environment where I’m comfortable with teachers who know me and I love” – Y13

“There’s a real sense of community. Everyone knows everyone and there’s always someone to help” – Y13

What we like about Oaklands from all Y12s 

  • “smaller classes”
  • “more attention from the teachers”
  • “a more comfortable environment”
  • “teachers are friendly”
  • “better equipment and technology”
  • “more lively”
  • “friendly”
  • “less fake”  Y12
  • “variety of courses”  Y13
  • “not too big” Y12 

From students who join us from other local schools and colleges.

  • “Oaklands had a community feel and I thought that the small site would be good for me.  Also the stats are very impressive.” – Y12
  • “Notable sixth form, less people so more time is spent with the teachers, its smaller so it easier to get around.” – Y12

  • “The sixth form is very welcoming – both students and staff – and everyone is very helpful and friendly.  My classes are fun and interesting and the small numbers really help to give a personal and more tailored teaching experience.  The face-to-face teaching here is also incredibly valuable, especially during the current situation, with the majority of other colleges having a mixture of online and real-life classes, which would be challenging.  I feel that Oaklands has a wide range of support on offer should I need it.”
  • “I have really enjoyed my time at Oaklands so far.  The staff are always willing to help and give advice and help.  Especially being a newcomer I found everyone really welcoming”  – Y12
  • When I came to Sixth Form I only knew one person, now I am in a group of amazing people who are really helpful and friendly. It also helps that the classes are small, because I feel more comfortable speaking out in lessons.  Overall I think that the sixth form is a great place and it is somewhere I want to be.”  New Y12 

“Hi, I’m Greta and I am an exchange student from Italy. The UK is very different than my country: food, weather and people but I love all these things. Portsmouth is a nice city and I already feel at home. The school is amazing and the teachers are always kind and nice with me.” EU student in Y12

From some of our visiting EU students

“I’m an exchange student, I came from Italy and I’ve been here for one month now. The time I’ve spent at Oaklands is amazing. Everyone is really nice and understanding, students and teachers. The school is awesome and it’s the same for the subjects.” - EU student in Y12

From some of our visiting EU students

“The first month in Sixth Form has been good. The school seems to really try to make their students feel good and have the opportunity to talk and learn about important subjects like racism and mental health. The system is very different from other countries but we are able to get used to it!” - EU student in Y12

From some of our visiting EU students

“More personal and supportive than other colleges. You are an actual individual here."

From a Y13 who transferred here

"Sixth Form is very supportive and helpful with mental health, very understanding"

From a Y13 who transferred here

“There’s a lively atmosphere in Sixth Form”

From a Y13 who transferred here