Subject: Child Development
Teacher in charge: Mrs S Bradley
If you wish to learn more about the curriculum, please contact :
If you wish to learn more about the curriculum, please contact :
The aim within the department is to foster inspiration to post 16 courses in health, social and care-related fields. Students in Child Development invariably have an interest in either nursing, medicine, midwifery, teaching and working with young children or in other caring professions. We aim not only to inspire them but to leave them with a broad foundation for level 3 courses and beyond.
Our Child Development curriculum is ambitious because it allows students the experience of an academic as well as a vocational approach in a blending learning (assignment and test) field. Learners who may lack academic confidence in linear courses relate the course content to personal and familial experiences to support their learning.
In addition, all of our learners grow a sense of wonder of understanding about the journey from pre-conceptual health factors to family life around a five year old.
All three teachers on the course are enthusiastic and passionate about conveying the subject with exuberance and attention to detail to leave learners not only educated but keen to learn more.
Child Development is only offered at KS4.
Our Child Development Curriculum is ambitious because:
Updated July 2022