Advice and guidance for parents

The internet is such an integral part of children’s lives these days. It opens up so many educational and social opportunities, giving them access to, quite literally, a world of information and experiences.

Whether on a computer at school, a laptop at home, a games console or mobile phone, children and young people are increasingly accessing the internet whenever they can and wherever they are.

As you would protect your child in the real world, you will want to make sure that they are safe whatever they are doing. Like learning to cross the road, online safety skills are skills for life. If your child understands the risks and can make sensible and informed choices online, they can get the most from the internet and stay safe whilst doing so – particularly from those people who might seek them out to harm them.

So, how can you protect your child online?

In this section we will provide information and links to websites that will provide you with all you need to know about how to ensure your child is safe when going online.

If you have any concerns about your child’s safety online, please contact the school for further support.

Parental controls offered by your home internet provider

The 4 big internet providers in the UK – BT, Sky, TalkTalk and Virgin Media – provide their customers with free parental controls which can be activated at any time. They have come together to produce helpful video guides to help you to download and set-up the controls offered by your provider, details can be found here.

Cyberbullying – Getting offensive content taken down

If online content is offensive or inappropriate, and the person or people responsible are known, you need to ensure they understand why the material is unacceptable or offensive and request they remove it. Most social networks have reporting mechanisms in place to report content which breaches their terms, click here to see a list of contact details for Social networking sites. If the person responsible has not been identified, or does not respond to requests to take down the material, the parent / staff member should use the tools on the social networking site directly to make a report.

Some service providers will not accept complaints lodged by a third party. In cases of mobile phone abuse, where the person being bullied is receiving malicious calls and messages, the account holder will need to contact the provider directly. Before you contact a service provider it is important to be clear about where the content is; for example by taking a screen shot of the material that includes the web address. If you are requesting they take down material that is not illegal, be clear to point out how it breaks the site’s terms and conditions. Where the material is suspected of being illegal you should contact the police directly.

See below for advice on all aspects of digital security, safety and links to sites for more guidance.

Information/Online Resources


Information for Parents Careers

Safety Advice – for some of the most popular types of apps and websites older children are using

Safety Advice about smartphones, gaming devices, tablets and other internet-connected devices

Cyber Crime – NSPCC Play Like Share – A three episode animated series and accompanying resource pack

Internet Watch Foundation – The UK Hotline for reporting criminal online content: Child sexual abuse content hosted anywhere in the world; Criminally obscene adult content hosted in the UK; Non-photographic child sexual abuse images hosted in the UK. Reports are confidential and can be made anonymously.

A guide to sharing pictures online

Useful YouTube Privacy Guide

Facebook Check – How to keep your child safe – The Terms and Conditions of Facebook state that a user must be 13 or over. If you are aware your child has an account please click to do the Facebook check.

Parent Info (from CEOP & The Parent Zone) – Expert information to help children and young people stay safe online.


Games Consoles SafetyFind – Xbox Live safety – Advice and settings to be considered to stay safe.

Get Safe Online – Expert advice on most aspects of IT and digital security

UK Safer Internet Centre – Safety Tips and Advice – E-Safety tips, advice and resources to help children and young people stay safe on the internet.

Keeping children and young people safe online

Inclusive Digital Safety Advice Hub | Internet Matters