Fantastic A level results
Another high set of A level examination results is today being celebrated by students and staff at Oaklands school. The number of grades at A and A* rose by 4% to 21% compared with last year. A similar picture occurred at grades A* to C, rising to 70%.
Highfliers included Barima Addo, Claudia Foster, Emile Hantrais-Smith, Ayana Joseph, Alexandra Iacob, Ayana Jino, Andy Linn. Nicola O’Neil, Amy Robertson, Emma Townsend, Esther Tuttle, Alex Vino, Marcus Ware and Beth Woolhead, between them they collected 48 A* or A grades.
The subjects in which a 100% pass had been achieved include English, Sciences, Geography, Business, Drama, French and Spanish and Further Mathematics reflecting the academic profile of subjects on offer . Many other subjects were equally successful.
High quality support
Headteacher, Matthew Quinn said, “the results achieved by Oaklands Sixth Form College Students were stunning – absolutely brilliant! Acknowledging the success of the highest attainers is important, however there are many other students who smashed their own personal best over coming significant challenges along the way, we must not forget these youngsters either. The care and support students receive here is second to none, even if that means some tough love along the way. Staff and students worked very hard. The school continues to justify its strong reputation at Advanced Level. It is fantastic to see the progress made by many of our students from entry into Year 7 through to Year 13.The high grade profile achieved by our students will mean that the majority should gain entry to the university of their choice or employment and training”.
Science outcomes particularly strong
Once again students at Oaklands will be going to some of the best universities to study demanding courses including Oxbridge. This year, 11 students were successful in obtaining places to study Medicine or Veterinary Science underlining the strength of STEM subjects at the school. Students have also been successful in achieving higher level apprenticeship, where they will earn and gain a degree.
Mr Dave Godwin, Head of the School Sixth Form, said, “the results are tremendous and reflect the high standards that we set for our students in the Sixth Form. I am particularly proud of the students going on to Medicine and Veterinary, if students want to go on to do these subjects at university, Oaklands provides the very best platform. Our students can be justifiably proud of all the hard work that has underpinned their success, I am immensely proud of them all”.
Matthew Quinn
15th August 2024