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Student Testimonies

We have always been proud of the engagement of our students in their RE learning, especially at A level, and taking it on to the university level. Below are some comments from ex-students explaining how important their RE learning at Oaklands has been and where it has taken them in their lives.

Mrs. Palfreyman

I am finding Bristol so fun, just applied to do a Masters Research Degree and Theology! (Which I will be doing on Female Mystics in medieval Europe) I wanted to say thank you for teaching me all these years because I am absolutely loving the study of religion! Actually some fun news, I have been selected and am being published in a Student Academic Journal!

Missing my time in Oaklands but I am very grateful the time spent! I am really enjoying my Undergrad dissertation here at the moment! Doing it on the Historical and Biblical Jesus as compared to the ways that politicians manipulate his image in Contemporary Poland.

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